This Couple Trusted Their Gut to Reinvent an Organic Grocery Store Learn how this couple built Lucky's Market, one of the country's most beloved (and weirdest) grocery chains.
By Andrew Parks
This story appears in the July 2016 issue of Entrepreneur. Subscribe »

The store was a mess -- the very picture of how not to sell food. The aesthetic was drab. The vibe, absent. In one area, pickles, marshmallows and wrapping paper were stocked side by side; Trish Sharon liked to call it the pregnancy aisle. But she and her husband, Bo, kept harping on the bananas: They somehow seemed the saddest of all specimens, just slapped down on a table with rough patches of AstroTurf. It was the cardinal sin of not honoring one's ingredients, of treating fruit as a simple fuel source.
Bo is always quick with a joke, and he lay down across the banana table, posing like a slab of apple-stuffed meat. His wife laughed. "It was like, "Who in their right mind would shop here?'" Trish says.
It was their job to answer that question.
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