Whew! Unused Apps Will Not Drain Your iPhone's Battery Life, Apple Exec Confirms. That's a relief.
By Laura Entis
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You know how if you want to conserve your iPhone's battery life, it's a good idea to open the multitasking window and swipe non-relevant apps off the screen?
Yeah, that doesn't really work.
At least according to a man who should know. When iPhone-user Caleb sent an email (obtained by 9to5 Mac) to Apple CEO Tim Cook, asking, "do you quit your iOS multitasking apps frequently and is this necessary for battery life?," he didn't receive a reply from Cook himself.
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But he did get a response from Craig Federighi, Apple's head of software development. The note was short and to the point:
"No and No. :-)," Federighi wrote.
There you have it, folks. Closing unused apps does not extend your iPhone's battery life, so you may as well save your swipes.