5 Ways Busy Business Owners Beat the Blues It can be lonely at the top, but these tips will help when you're feeling down.
By Safiyah Satterwhite Edited by Dan Bova
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You love what you do…but not because of the constant chase for customers and clients, the loneliness that comes with being at the top of your field, the never ending to do list.
The dream you once had for a tremendous impact, seven figures and a boat is starting to feel more like a job you sometimes wish you could quit.
This was not why you went into business. I mean, what really happened to that raving tribe of people who were supposed to love you for what you built?
Well, it happens to the best of us… and most importantly, it happens to the best of the best in business.
So, how do you shed the blues you might wonder. Right now, you can't desire anything more but to finally start to love your life again.
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Here are five major steps that you can take today to get through the storm.
1. Get out of the weeds and delegate what you can.
The art of delegation is a necessary trait for every kind of leader on every level. You cannot do it all, and quite frankly when done right "leading" is a job unto itself. Small tasks that take up massive and tedious amounts of time should be assigned to your support team so that you can focus on high level areas, partnerships, organizational growth, leadership and strategy. Getting caught in the details when you have more than capable people around you is not the best use of your time. Make a list of everything for the day that needs to get done and highlight the things that your team can take care of. (If you don't have a team yet this is the perfect time to bring on an hourly virtual assistant (VA) to lend a helping hand).
Another strategy is to look at your list and ask yourself, "What are the key decisions that I can make today that will either make everything on this list irrelevant or no longer my immediate concern." A high level analysis of your to-do's will keep you focused on looking at the bigger strategic picture making your life much easier, and your organization a well oiled machine.
2. Build your support team.
Having a coach or mentor is part of your own self care. We all need someone, and human connection with someone who is there just for us is what takes ordinary leaders from ordinary to phenomenal and highly effective leaders. Start to grow your support system and use a part of your coaching sessions for a clearing -- a time for you to really get some things off of your chest. It works wonders.
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3. Exercise daily.
There is something about moving that just makes everything better. Don't believe me -- do some research. It has now been proven that exercise is a natural stress reliever. The blood pumping quickly through your body in a workout can increase your clarity, help you let off some necessary "steam" and improves your breathing.
4. Meditate, reflect and/or pray daily.
The power of journaling, reflecting, strengthening your spirituality and meditating on a daily basis cannot be understated. This work helps you to become more self aware of your actions resulting in greater opportunities to generate positive relationships with those that you interact with in your daily work. It is not easy to get into this routine and stick with it, but scheduling it first thing in the morning or right before bed will ensure that you start your day strong and in a positive light.
5. Change your mindset.
Look for the positive in what you are faced with on a daily basis. If your website crashed, look at it as an opportunity to redesign better; your prime team member quit -- look at it as an opportunity to finally restructure in a way that will tremendously improve your business.
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Things will work out for your best interest -- believe that and positivity and joy will follow.
Plus, the blues will move faster than you could say "boo!"