To Achieve Success You Have to Move Past Working 9-5 Pursuing your passion is more work but more fulfilling than chaining yourself to a job you only have to pay the bills.
By Timothy Sykes Edited by Dan Bova
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Working 9-5 is outdated. The world runs 24/7, but that doesn't mean you must. Things have changed and you're about to learn how to achieve success without working the 9-5 routine your parents did.
Before we go into exactly how to achieve success, you need to keep in mind that the world has changed forever. The internet is the new printing press. It's the new library. It's the new database under no real controlling body. You can use it anywhere in the world at any time.
Use this principle to achieve success.
Focus on what you love.
It's easy to get tempted by the big-dollar industries. But passion is what will propel you over a long period. Industries change all the time, but passion never does. If you want to pick up a stock trading guide you should do it because you're passionate about it, not because you think you'll make a lot of money. One of the most important points you need to understand is that passion propels you to mastery. And mastery of your chosen niche is what brings in the big money.
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Have patience and don't force it.
In the heat of the moment, it can be tempting to quit your job and pursue your passion. But you must be practical. Quitting your job and charging hasty into your new business is a massive risk, and not a worthwhile one. Don't take everything you own and put it all on red.
Be patient and study during your downtime. Build up your business independent of your day job. Only when you've started to make money, should you consider quitting your day job and going full-time.
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Think creatively to make money.
You can't expect to make a lot of money by doing what everyone else is doing. Think creatively and find that big idea. Search out all angles by making social media profiles and connecting with people in your industry. Look to contact both business owners and customers. Figure out what other businesses are doing and find out what customers really want. The goal is to find something that customers want that businesses aren't yet doing. That's your niche.
When you find your niche, you can start to consider whether the idea is viable. You can make a prototype, build a beta team, and see if you'll make money from it.
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Finally, persistence is the key. You won't necessarily get it right the first time. It will take some effort to get it right. But persistence is the key and if you have the will to never give up you'll get the results you want. A willingness to learn from one's failures is what characterizes the entrepreneur.