Democratizing AI: Appy Pie's Quest for Inclusivity in Technology

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The AI revolution is on an unstoppable trajectory, and the global AI market is expected to touch $1,597.1 billion by 2030 with a registered CAGR of 38.1% from 2022 to 2030. This strong growth in the importance and impact of AI is far from just a passing fad; it's a monumental transformation in the technological landscape. However, despite AI's evident potential to revolutionize industries, most businesses, particularly those new to the technology are often either skeptical about it or are intimidated by the novel concept and jargon.

In 2015, Appy Pie embarked on a mission to democratize technology by making it both affordable and accessible. This dynamic platform has taken a bold step by introducing AI as a vital component of its offerings, aiming to dismantle the two formidable barriers that have kept many companies at bay - the financial and technological hurdles. Traditionally, implementing cutting-edge technology, especially AI, could cost a company a substantial sum, ranging from hundreds of thousands to even a million dollars, depending on the complexity of the application. Coupled with lengthy implementation timelines, it's understandable why many businesses remain hesitant.

Abhinav Girdhar, the Founder and CEO of Appy Pie, highlights this challenge: "Time, money, and skilled resources are the three most precious assets for any business owner, and they often tend to be conservative about their allocation. AI implementation can strain all three aspects, dissuading many organizations from reaping the benefits of AI."

Appy Pie has masterfully bridged this chasm by infusing AI into its platform, streamlining the AI-based development process. Appy Pie's AI marvel, the AppyLM, empowers companies to craft applications through natural language text commands, eschewing the need for technical jargon or coding expertise. The AI website builder from Appy Pie has made it possible for businesses to simply enter text and convert it into an attractive website for their business.

Appy Pie's flagship product, their app builder has also undergone a massive transformation in keeping with the times. Now, anyone can use their AI app builder and turn their app ideas into reality, merely by entering the concept in text format.

The successful adoption of AI on this popular platform has led to customers saving time and money while being able to access the best and the latest in the realm of digital product development.

Now, there are more aspects that need to be considered before a business can launch their business on any digital platform or channel. The visual aspect is probably the most important one here. Hence, Appy Pie has come up with AI design tools to help businesses and individuals make their presence attractive in all manners.

Whether it is a web graphic, event poster, social media post, or even app thumbnail, Appy Pie has come up with easy-to-use tools like AI poster maker, Facebook Ads Maker, Instagram story maker, and more!

Abhinav Girdhar envisions a transformative future: "We have witnessed brilliant businesses disadvantaged due to their inability to integrate AI. With AppyLM, we anticipate a significant shift in how businesses embrace and adapt to AI as a transformative technology."

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