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How Did a Singular Action Change the Course of Your Life?

The ripple effect of a single moment can be profound. From the pivotal impact of investing advice that yielded significant returns to the way transformative marketing insight spurred product messaging focus, these 26 CEOs, founders, and other leaders shared their powerful anecdotes demonstrating the dramatic outcomes of seemingly small words and actions in their personal and professional lives.
Investing Advice Yields Significant Returns
Over 20 years ago, I was part of a team launching a new community bank. My mentor gave me some sage advice: "Invest until it hurts." I took that to heart, pouring my 401(k) and every available dollar I could gather into the venture. When the bank was sold a few years later, the returns were far more significant than I would have imagined if I hadn't followed that wise counsel. That experience yielded financial rewards and taught me the invaluable lesson of always investing in myself.
Kimberly Bogues, Founder/CEO, Flourish Business Consulting
Quality Over Quantity Saves Costs
In my early days as a developer, I once asked a senior colleague why he always invested in premium tools instead of opting for cheaper alternatives. He simply said, "Poor people can't afford to buy cheap things."
At first, I was puzzled, but he explained that cheap tools often break or underperform, leading to higher long-term costs—both in money and time. This stuck with me and shaped my approach in both personal and professional life. Whether it's buying quality hardware or investing in skilled talent, I've found that paying more upfront saves you from constant fixes, frustrations, and replacements.
The actionable insight: spend wisely on quality, even if it feels expensive now, because it will pay off in longevity and reliability.
Jayen Ashar, CTO, Scaleup Consulting
Specific Questions Have Power
A few years ago, I traveled to the U.S. On my return, everyone asked me how my trip was, and I gave them standard answers like it was good, I had fun, or it was a great break.
There was one manager, however, who asked me a very pointed question.
"So, what did you see or experience that you have never seen or experienced before?"
It was a very specific question that made me pause and think. My mind immediately went to the many apple, orange, and lemon trees that pretty much every house in the neighborhood had in their front yards. It was so common that nobody bothered even picking up the fallen fruit.
I mentioned this to the manager, and we proceeded to have a longer, more interesting conversation about my trip.
I was aware of the power of asking good questions, but I never thought to use them in personal conversations. This changed after the chat with the manager. I have since had many interesting, funny, and thought-provoking conversations with people because I chose to ask a different question—a question nobody else was asking.
Swetha Sitaraman, Lead - Thought Leadership, Vajra Global Consulting
Adventurous Spirit Drives Freelancer Success
I had been chasing my dream of becoming a freelancer for years, but when I received a promotion in my career, I decided to stay on the safer path. It felt comfortable, secure, and like the right choice at the time.
However, when someone close to me told me that I made the right choice and it was "better to take the safe approach," their words stung. It hurt my adventurous spirit, and that moment reignited the fire within me.
I realized that playing it safe wasn't enough—I needed to pursue my true passion of being self-employed. Since going off on my own, I've more than doubled my income and work significantly less.
Tim Pelletier, Owner/SEO Consultant, Tim Pelletier Consulting, LLC
Words Shape Personal Growth and Reunion
Years ago, someone close to me said, "I wish I could meet you later in life." At the time, it seemed like a bittersweet comment, as if they saw something in me that wasn't fully realized yet. We went our separate ways, but those words stayed with me, shaping my journey of self-discovery and growth.
20 years later, our paths crossed again, and this time, we were both ready. We reconnected, and eventually, we married. That simple remark had a profound impact, guiding both of us to the right place and time to build a life together.
Allison Dunn, CEO, Head Business & Executive Coach, Deliberate Directions
Make It On My Own To Make It Forever
I remember when I opened my own firm, a valuable mentor of mine, Dennis Hennen, took me out to lunch and said to me, "If you can make it for 5 years on your own, you can make it forever." So that became my goal, to make it on my own for 5 years. So the first time Dan Parker, co-founder of what is now Parker Alexander, called me and said he wanted to partner with me, I told him I wasn't ready to shut down my firm yet because I hadn't yet made that 5 year mark. Once I hit the 5 year mark though, I agreed to partner with Dan. But that was a huge turning point in my career, and I have Dennis to thank for it because his words encouraged me to challenge myself as a business leader and find creative ways to succeed in a competitive industry.
Kevin Alexander, Founding Partner, Parker Alexander
Defying Labels Spurs Consulting Career
I leapt into full-time consulting after a manager told me, "You're a doctor, Erkeda. You need to do doctor things," denying my request for continuing education funds to join an innovative physicians' group. Those words made me realize the power of labels and limitations others try to impose. I joined that group on my own dime and began crafting my exit plan. Don't let anyone put you in a box. Words are powerful—use them to speak positivity into your journey.
Dr. Erkeda DeRouen, CEO, Digital Risk Compliance Solutions LLC
Maintain Your Mission
Post-COVID, our business was going through turmoil and we needed intense focus on the bottom line. I turned to my trusted mentorship circle of CEOs from mission-driven companies across all different industries. It was humbling and simple to realize: We didn't have to grow; we had to be profitable. Our mission and, indeed our survival, was at stake. Embracing "no margin, no mission" as a mantra gave me new resolve and clarity on tough decisions without compromising the values we've held for three decades.
Susan Griffin-Black, Co-Founder and Co-CEO, EO Products
Fortune vs. Luck: Words Shape Perception
There was a moment, many years ago, before my family and I were set to uproot our lives, leave the country, and start again. I sat around a table talking about how we felt very fortunate to be able to; when a good friend, an artist and photographer, said the single most important line to me:
"You're not lucky. You're fortunate. 'Lucky' implies you had nothing to do with it."
Those words have stuck with me, and that story has been retold countless times to people about how words have meaning and shape behavior and perception. It has had a profound impact on how I see my own life, my professional career, and how my actions are shaped both for myself and in support of others.
The right words, stories, and messages are the most powerful influences on people, cultures, and societies.
Jason Perelson, Partner
Harsh Feedback Improves Writing
I had a professor who replied over email to me that a paper I'd sent him had been so bad that he'd read two sentences and refused to read any more of it before it was rewritten.
I was shocked by their brashness, but making sure my writing is crisp and coherent throughout has been a lesson that's stuck with me ever since. Don't waste your reader's time or make them work for it. Good writing is a pleasure to read, regardless of the subject.
As a behavioral scientist, when something someone—often someone whom we respect—says sticks with us, I refer to it as a "mental tattoo." These mental tattoos can guide our decisions and behavior—for good and bad—so it's important to stress test whether they're helping or hurting.
Sarah Watters, Head Behavioral Scientist, 50 West
Stream Viewer's Story Inspires Entrepreneur
Words and actions can indeed have immense power, often in ways we don't realize in the moment. I have been a content creator since 2016, when I was just 15 years old, and as the face behind streams that consistently garnered over 30,000 views, I initially saw those numbers as mere statistics. What I didn't grasp was that behind each of those numbers was a real person, each with their own story, emotions, and struggles.
One experience that left a lasting impact on me happened during my tour back in 2017. After a meet-and-greet event in San Francisco, a mother approached me with tears in her eyes. She shared that my livestreams had saved her daughter's life. She explained that her daughter was going through a really difficult time, and my livestreams were something she looked forward to every day—they made her laugh when nothing else could.
Hearing this was incredibly humbling and reminded me of the profound impact that even small actions can have. At the time, I was just trying to be a positive light for my followers, to offer them some comfort and connection through my content. But to know that my efforts had such a significant impact on someone's life was truly eye-opening.
This experience not only fueled my commitment to continue using my platform to inspire and uplift others, but it also had a significant impact on me as an entrepreneur. It reinforced the importance of staying true to my mission and values, no matter how large or small the venture. As an entrepreneur, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers, growth metrics, and business strategies. However, this encounter reminded me that at the heart of any successful venture is the genuine connection you build with your audience or customers.
It taught me that true success isn't just measured in financial terms but also in the positive impact you can have on others' lives. This realization has shaped how I approach my businesses, whether it's leading a company where we focus on empowering creators, or any of my other entrepreneurial ventures. It's a constant reminder that behind every metric, there are real people whose lives we can touch—and that's a responsibility I take very seriously.
Dylan Huey, CEO, REACH
Professor's Encouragement Boosts Academic Confidence
Words uttered in passing can echo for eternity. I remember a brief interaction I had with a professor during my undergraduate studies that profoundly impacted my academic trajectory.
I was taking a course on the history of psychology and struggling to keep up with the material. One afternoon after class, I approached the professor to express my difficulties. I expected a standard response about working harder or studying more efficiently. Instead, he looked me in the eye and said, "You belong here. You just need to find the right approach."
Those simple words reignited my confidence at a time when I was doubting my abilities. They reminded me that setbacks are normal and temporary if I can adjust my approach. I left that interaction with a renewed sense of determination. Rather than getting overwhelmed by my struggles, I focused my energy on experimenting with different study methods and finding where I could improve.
Within a few weeks, my grades began to rise, and my understanding of the material deepened. I went on to successfully complete the course and choose psychology as my major, ultimately earning my degree. All because one professor took a moment to say something small but meaningful, at just the right time.
Those words served as a compass, pointing me back to my goals whenever self-doubt crept in. They reminded me of my potential when I needed it most. Sometimes the right words spoken at the right moment can make all the difference.
Anupreet Kaur, Content and Digital Marketing Manager, Mitt Arv
Manager's Advice Promotes Multiple Income Streams
Early in my career, I had a manager who introduced me to the concept of multiple income streams. Up until that point, I thought the answer to financial success was to get one job and work for 30 years. Naturally, I was fascinated when my manager shared with me an alternative, told through the story of his own experiences. And when he gifted me a book about how to pay off unnecessary debt and build multiple income streams, I was sold.
Now, for the past 20 years, I've lived my life according to these principles—live small, spend wisely, and never give up. This mindset has carried me through job losses, personal difficulties, and building a business of my own. I often think about the conversations I had with my former manager and wonder how things might have turned out differently if that relationship had never happened.
Overall, this experience helps me see just how important our words and actions are, and what great impact we can have, even through the smallest of moments.
Kayla McGuire, Business Consultant and Project Management Coach, Kayla McGuire Consulting, LLC
CEO's Mantra: Words Matter
Early in my career, I had the privilege of working under one of the most amazing CEOs and mentors, Dan Latendre. Dan was notorious for saying, "Words matter," a phrase that I've taken to heart and continue to use to this day.
There was a particular moment that truly drove this lesson home for me. In a meeting discussing a new project, I casually mentioned, "Oh yeah, I can make that happen," without fully considering the implications of what I was committing to. It was a small statement, made in the flow of conversation, but it set a series of expectations in motion.
When the time came for the customer to move forward with the project, they assumed we would cover all the expenditures required to fulfill the promise I had casually made. They were not willing to share in the costs, and what initially seemed like a simple commitment quickly escalated into a situation that could have cost the company potentially millions of dollars.
In the end, we had to make the hard decision to part ways with the customer. It was a tough call, but it underscored the immense power that words can have. That experience was a turning point for me. I realized that what we say, especially in professional settings, carries significant weight and can have far-reaching consequences.
Since that day, I've been far more deliberate in my communication, ensuring that I fully understand the commitments I'm making and that my words are clear and intentional. It was a small moment—a few words spoken—but it had a drastic impact on how I approach my responsibilities and relationships, both personally and professionally.
Chris Willard, General Manager, Armodilo Display Solutions
Colleague's Insight Shifts Design Philosophy
One day, early in my career as a UI/UX designer, a colleague casually mentioned during a lunch break, "You know, the best designs are the ones people don't notice." It was such a simple statement, almost a throwaway line, but it completely shifted how I approached my work.
Up until that point, I was obsessed with making things look flashy and impressive, thinking that the more intricate and eye-catching, the better. But this comment made me realize that true design excellence lies in creating seamless experiences that feel natural to the user.
This insight drastically improved my work. I started focusing on intuitive design—making sure every element served a purpose and blended seamlessly into the user experience. This shift not only made my designs more effective but also led to me founding a website design plugin that emphasizes simplicity and usability. That small comment, almost unnoticed, had a ripple effect that continues to influence my professional journey.
Rasmus Myhrberg, Founder & CEO, Spark Plugin
Friend's Question Highlights Trust in Business
When I was in the early stages of launching my company, I was laser-focused on building the most technically advanced cloud backup solution. I poured all my energy into making sure our systems were robust, secure, and reliable. One day, I was catching up with a close friend who didn't have a background in tech. They casually asked, "It sounds great, but why would anyone trust you with their most valuable data?"
That question hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized I had been so engrossed in the technical aspects that I hadn't fully considered the deeper issue of trust. This wasn't just about offering a product; it was about convincing people to entrust us with something incredibly important to them. It was a pivotal moment that shifted my focus.
From that day on, I made it a priority to build not just a strong product, but a brand rooted in trust, transparency, and a genuine commitment to our customers. We began incorporating these values into every aspect of our business, from our customer service to our marketing. This change in perspective was instrumental in shaping the way we grew our company, helping us earn the trust and loyalty of our clients over time.
Rob Stevenson, Founder, BackupVault
Junior Team Member's Suggestion Transforms Project
A few years ago, I was working on a high-stakes project to redesign a corporate office for a major client. During one of our meetings, a junior team member casually suggested a minor change in the lighting scheme that seemed too small to consider seriously at first. I decided to explore this idea further and integrated their suggestion into the final design.
To everyone's surprise, this seemingly minor adjustment dramatically enhanced the office's overall ambiance, making it more inviting and productive. The client was thrilled with the transformation, which exceeded their expectations and led to a highly successful project completion.
This small idea from a junior team member not only impressed the client but also significantly improved our team's visibility and reputation. It resulted in a major contract extension and additional projects, showcasing the profound impact that even the smallest contributions can have on professional success. The client also recommended me to their network. Their referrals resulted in a surge of new clients, significantly boosting my business.
Veiko Kallas, Interior Designer & Founder, JALG
Mentor's Question Redefines Leadership Approach
One of the most impactful moments in my professional journey came from a simple yet powerful statement during a conversation with a mentor. Years ago, as a young entrepreneur, I was often overwhelmed—the need for making business decisions, balancing clients, working with multiple teams; there are so many aspects of running a successful and growing company.
However, I always ended up feeling like everything fell apart the moment I stepped out of the office. One day, as I was venting to my mentor about how everything seemed to fall apart whenever I stepped away, he asked me a question that changed my perspective: "So, Marina, how is that hero cape? Not too heavy?"
While this question got me feeling embarrassed, he explained that my tendency to jump in and solve every problem myself wasn't just exhausting for me—it was also preventing my team from growing and taking ownership. His words made me realize that my need to be the "hero" was not helping the situation but rather reinforcing a cycle where my team relied on me too much. That should not be the case.
From that day onwards, I made a small but what I believe now is our most powerful shift. Instead of always giving the answers, I started asking our team, "So, what do you think?" That one question empowered them, boosted their confidence, and made our business stronger.
If you think about it, it's amazing how a single question like that can change how people look at tasks and challenges, and potentially change the way people think!
Marina Byezhanova, Co-Founder, Brand of a Leader
Simple Phrase Empowers Personal Agency
One small phrase that had a drastic impact on me was when someone told me, "Life is what you make of it." This simple statement profoundly shifted my perspective. It made me realize that I hold the power to shape my experiences and outcomes, regardless of external circumstances. That realization fueled a sense of agency and autonomy in both my personal and professional life, empowering me to take ownership of my decisions and actions. It's a reminder that even in challenging situations, I have the ability to create meaning and purpose, ultimately leading to greater confidence and resilience.
Alim Dhanji, Chief Human Resources Officer & EVP, TD SYNNEX
Coach's Query Guides Business Focus
As I was struggling with starting my business, a coach asked me what I wanted my day to look like. I was amazed because, at the time, all I could muster was what my day actually looked like, which was busy and overwhelming.
So I sat with this idea for a few weeks and then started to make a list of what I would want my day to actually look like, which led to why I started my business to begin with. The answers I came up with on what my day should look like led me to build a business that allows me to have that kind of day on a regular basis.
Reversing my thoughts from what my day was like now, to what I wanted it to actually be, allowed me to focus my attention on growing a business that fit me rather than me trying to fit into a business that grew like an unruly child!
Diane O'Connell, Speaker, Wellbeing Reinvention Strategist, Sorting it Out, Inc.
Client's Compliment Leads to Family
One of the biggest moments in my life started with a small act from a client. I visited his office as usual and met his executive assistant, who later became my wife. My client had praised me to her without my knowledge, creating a good impression before we even met. This quiet yet strong setup led us to connect right away. Now, we're happy in our marriage with three great kids, and I often think about how that simple, nice word from my client paved the way for the life I now love.
Andrei Mincov, Founder & CEO, Trademark Factory®
Personal Notes Enhance Customer Loyalty
There was a time early on at our company when we were preparing for a major product launch. During the final stages, one of our team members casually suggested adding a personal note in each shipment, thanking customers for their support. It seemed like a small idea, but we decided to give it a try. We included handwritten thank-you notes in our orders, expressing our appreciation for their purchase and support.
This simple action had a profound impact. Customers responded positively, and many mentioned the notes in their reviews and on social media. We saw a noticeable increase in repeat orders and positive feedback, and it helped build a stronger connection with our customers. It reinforced that even small, personal touches can significantly enhance customer loyalty and improve overall brand perception.
Matthew Kinneman, Founder, Bully Max
Colleague's Note Inspires Business Turnaround
Years ago, during a challenging period in my career when the organization was facing the possibility of going under, a colleague left a simple note on my desk that read, "Your work is making a difference." It was a small gesture, but it jolted me and shifted my perspective entirely.
Up until that point, I had been questioning my impact on the situation and feeling a little overwhelmed. That note gave me the readjustment and confidence to push through and continue pursuing the turnaround of the business, and my own goals with a much better state of mind. The result was not only a significant improvement in the business's turnaround, but also a promotion shortly after.
This small act of recognition had a drastic impact much larger than my colleague could have known, reminding me of the power of encouragement and the importance of acknowledging others' efforts, no matter how minor they may seem.
Sam Johnston, Cofounder, SBR2TH
Senior's Praise Validates Interpersonal Skills
I can remember when my senior once mentioned that my ability to connect with candidates on a personal level was a real asset. It might seem like a small thing, but it significantly impacted my career.
Prior to that, I had always thought that technical skills were the most important factor in securing a job.
However, my senior's observation made me realize that soft skills, such as communication and interpersonal abilities, were equally crucial.
From that point on, I started to focus more on building relationships with candidates. I would take the time to understand their career goals and aspirations, and I would try to match them with opportunities that aligned with their interests.
This approach not only helped me to fill roles more effectively but also led to a more satisfying and fulfilling career. It taught me that even the smallest words of encouragement can have a profound impact on someone's life.
Pavel Melnicov, Senior Tech Recruiter, Index
Advisor's Doubt Ignites Entrepreneurial Success
Sometimes, the harshest criticism becomes the catalyst for our greatest achievements. During my college years, I encountered a well-meaning academic advisor who, with a tone of practicality, dismissed my ambitious dreams of building a million-dollar business as a dietitian. She advised me to prepare for a Plan B and even a Plan C, emphasizing that my unconventional path in undergrad—one that didn't align with the typical route to grad school—would severely limit my chances of success. According to her, the odds were stacked against me.
But instead of letting her doubts define my future, I let them ignite a fire within me. Rather than following the conventional checklist, I pursued what I was truly passionate about—a unique blend of nutrition, psychology, and business. The skepticism I faced didn't deter me; it fueled me. I channeled that doubt into the energy needed to prove her wrong, not just for myself, but for everyone who dared to dream big.
That fire became the foundation of my business. It embodies the philosophy that every challenge, every doubt, can be turned into the very fuel that powers your success. My journey was not without obstacles, but the path I chose led me to an unexpected destination. Despite the odds, I was accepted into a graduate program and launched my business shortly after graduation.
In just four years, I built a million-dollar practice. Today, my company not only thrives but also mentors aspiring entrepreneurs, providing them with the supportive guidance I once lacked. We help them turn every obstacle into opportunity, every doubt into determination. The energy from that small 15-minute meeting with my advisor 10 years ago was transmuted into a mission of empowerment.
Shanon Safi, Private Practice Dietitian, Fuel the Fire
Marketing Insight Spurs Product Messaging Focus
A marketing person once told us, "The customer will never understand acne and aging in one category. You must separate them." This threw me and my co-founder, Kayleigh, through an assumption-testing exercise where we decided they might be right, but then we fully realized our job.
Our job is to prove a concept that a more effective, more efficient, and more innovative product could yield better consumer results and thus win, even if it takes longer. Being in an outlier category generally gets met with extreme resistance at first, so we accepted it but then laser-focused our product messaging to make this new skincare concept the norm.
Danielle Gronich, CEO and Co-Founder, CLEARSTEM