Elon Musk's Newest Idea Is to Apply Tesla Tech to Your Phone And you don't have to break the bank to get your hands on it.
By Nina Zipkin

If you have designs on one day owning a Tesla vehicle, and the $79,000-plus price for a Model S or Model X or $35,000 for a Model 3 is too rich for your blood, you can still have a piece of Tesla technology. (Meanwhile, you can also dream of the company's new Roadster's potential for flight.)
You can snap up Tesla's new product, the Powerbank, for just $45.00. What does it do, you might ask? It charges your phone and other mobile devices on the go. Yes, Tesla's latest offering is essentially a phone charger. But ostensibly one with some pretty decent battery power.
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On the website, the company says that it was designed to look like Tesla's supercharger monument at the Tesla Design Studio. As far as specs, users will get an integrated USB and integrated Apple lightning and detachable micro USB. It will also alert you if you need to charge a device.
On the technical side, the Powerbank contains a single 18650 cell with 3350mAh capacity, which is apparently the same kind of battery that powers the Model S and Model X cars.
Would you trade in your charger for a Powerbank? Let us know in the comments.