Book of the Week: 'The Hero Factor' A business is only as strong as its company culture.

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The Hero Factor discusses the importance of strong company cultures as the backbone of any successful business. Companies with leadership that dismisses the importance of transparency in today's world are more likely to be called out for not living up to the mission statements on their websites. Dive in and learn how to implement the traits that will help leaders become hero entrepreneurs, change their organization, live their values and create a winning culture where they:
- Invest in people as a path to more inclusion.
- Recast the role of business leadership beyond politics.
- Serve others and the common good.
- Avoid failure, reasons why not and the lure of the dark side when things get tough.
- Know the line between hero and martyr.
- Create the next generation of hero leaders.
Related: Book of the Week: 'Simplify'
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