3 Questions That Helped Me Discover My True Purpose You must embrace a purpose-driven life and serve mankind in some way.
By Matt Mayberry Edited by Dan Bova
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Discovering your why, the real reason as to why you do what you do, that special thing that tugs at your heart and gives you complete satisfaction, very well could be one of the most important tasks that you will ever be faced with.
Finding out your why means that if you identify a dream or a major goal you want to pursue, ask yourself why. Is it because it will put the music in your heart? Will it fulfill the creative stirring that's welling up inside you? Or do you want this goal because it will make you rich? I remember in college some friends talking about wanting to become physicians.
When I asked why, a couple of them said, "Because I'll get rich." I couldn't help but think that was the wrong answer. I would never want to go to a physician who was in it for the money. I believe that to be truly fulfilled and happy, you must follow and live your bliss.
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You must embrace a purpose-driven life and serve mankind in some way. For me, it was simple. I wanted to change peoples' lives through my speaking and writing. I wanted to share everything I had learned with everyone else. And, yes, friends and family were shocked when they learned that I didn't want to play professional football anymore. But my mind was made up. I wanted to live my purpose. That's what tugged at my heart. I strongly believe that each and every one of us was put here to fulfill a specific purpose.
When you find out what that purpose is, I can promise you that your life will never be the same again. Mark Twain said, "The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." If you haven't yet found out what your why is or discovered your true purpose, answer the following questions. They may help steer you in the right direction.
1. What keeps you up with excitement at night?
I loved football tremendously, but it never tugged at my heart and kept me up with so much excitement at night that I couldn't sleep. On the other hand, speaking and impacting the lives of others absolutely did and still does to this day.
Related: 3 Steps (and the Reasons) to Prioritize 'Purpose' in Your Business
2. What makes you cry?
Best-selling author John C. Maxwell says, "Finding our purpose requires us to seek to discover two things: our passion and our giftedness. What is the deep desire set in your heart, the thing that sets your soul on fire? What makes you cry? What do you get most excited about? And what are you good at? No one else in the world has exactly the same gifts, talents, background, or future that you do." When you identify what makes you cry, and what sets your soul on fire, and you tap into those, you begin to understand your why.
3. What would you do if your days were numbered?
If you went to the doctor for a routine checkup and received unexpected news that you were terminally ill and had a very short time left to live, what would you do? I asked myself this before I told my agent that I would no longer be playing football. I thought of many things I wanted to do, but football wasn't one of them. Speaking and making a difference in the lives of others was at the forefront of everything I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
Related: What's Your Purpose? 5 Reasons You Need to Set One for Your Business
Answering these three questions helped me discover my true purpose and I strongly believe that they can point you in the right direction of doing just the same.
This column is an excerpt from Matt Mayberry's book, "Winning Plays."