The Simple Facebook Trick That a Lot of People Never Get Right It may sound simple, but a cover photo can make a big difference for your business.
By Neil Patel Edited by Dan Bova
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Neil Patel explains how a Facebook cover photo can help you and your business better connect with fans, friends and colleagues. It's a simple thing, but many people waste this opportunity by filling that area with whatever fits.
Instead, Patel says you should have a specific purpose and reason behind your cover photo. For example, Patel often features a picture from Brazil in his cover photo slot. Why? Because he and his business have invested a lot of time and energy into expanding there. By using a picture of Brazil, he is showing potential fans and customers there that they are important to him, and he has a desire to reach out to them.
You can also connect with an audience by using a cover photo that describes what you and your business do. That way, people know instantly when they come to your page what you have to offer.
Click play to learn more about these strategies, plus how you can make them even more effective with video.
Related: How to Make More Online Sales With a Low-Traffic Website
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