The Best Ways to Use Breaks to Be More Productive (Infographic) To be your most productive self, take a step back from your work.
By Rose Leadem
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Between working, exercising and spending time with family, you may think you're giving yourself enough breaks, but what about during work?
Related: Can Creative Breaks Boost Your Employees' Productivity?
Taking breaks throughout your work day is vital to maximizing productivity. Think you don't have time? Even a 30-second break can account for an increase in productivity.
There are different strategies for a work-break balance too, and it's important to find the one that is best for you. For example, try out a 25/5-minute split -- that means work in 25-minute blocks and take five-minute breaks between. If that doesn't work for you, there's also 50/10 minute split.
Related: 7 Things to Do During Your Lunch Break (Infographic)
What you do during your breaks is just as important. If you only have five minutes, eat a healthy snack, read an article or even try to solve a Rubik's Cube. When you have 10 minutes, make a coffee run, tidy up your desk or watch a TED talk. If you've got more than 10 minutes -- take a walk outside, call a friend or family member or even sit in a cafe and people watch.
To learn how you can start taking breaks and maximize your time, check out Quid Corner's infographic below.