5 Books on How to Grow Your Business Starting a business is one thing. Growing it is another. Find hope and help in these five been-there, done-that books from entrepreneurs eager to share their scaling secrets and prowess.
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Business growth is good. It's also challenging. That's why you need ideas to help you figure out how to scale wisely without losing momentum — or missing opportunities.
Countless entrepreneurs have trod the same ground, trying to find the best ways to start and continue the climb. Though not all share their stories, a handful are not only open books but book authors.
If you're searching for strategies to boost profits and fill up sales funnels, check out these books. They'll give you the insider scoop you need to speed to the top of your industry.
1. Jeffery Meyerson — Move Fast
On one hand, you want to buck up your business and grab profits. On the other, you don't want to make sudden moves. Or do you? In Move Fast, former software engineer and investor Jeffery Meyerson unravels the mystery of why Facebook can pivot rapidly without making key errors.
Meyerson's clearly laid-out evaluation of Facebook's tactics will give you ideas to propel your own teams. Find out how to construct a culture that rallies around change, and why thinking like a 10x engineer isn't limited to the folks in your IT department. You don't have to know a lick of code to Move Fast with Meyerson as your sherpa.
2. David Smith — It's About Time!
Does it ever seem like your warmest prospects resist your efforts to sell again and again? It can make you feel like they don't want what you're offering. For David Smith, selling what no one wants has become a fulfilling career. He shares his professional prowess for turning around resistant buyers in It's About Time!
Rooted in psychology, Smith's book can serve as a playbook for disrupting your ineffective sales pitches. Chapter after chapter, you'll find out how to implement his revolutionary Prospect-Centered Selling technique to your advantage. Unless you don't mind so-so close rates, you'll appreciate It's About Time!'s easy-to-follow sales steps and tips.
Related: Top 3 Strategies to Sell Without "Selling'
3. Dr. Stephen Timme and Melody Astley — Insight-Led Selling
Whether you're trying to sell a product to an executive or win investors' dollars, spend a few days reading Insight-Led Selling. Authors Dr. Stephen Timme and Melody Astley help you see the world from the C-suite point of view. And even if you're a CEO, you might be surprised at what your peers need to hear to give you the green light.
This book is more than just a normal sales guidebook. It's a full-blown process to encourage better rapport, engagement, and trust with high-profile clients. Unless you're 100% sure you're communicating your message with impact, you'll walk away from the pages of this book a stronger, smarter seller.
Related: 10 Powerfully Persuasive Words Your Customers Want to Hear
4. Jennifer Crowley — Ever Wish You Got Hit by a Truck?
Life doesn't always play fair, but you don't have to wait for fate to intervene when times get tough. Certified Life Coach Jennifer Crowley lays out a three-part method to embrace change and foster self-empowerment. Throughout Ever Wish You Got Hit by a Truck?, she exposes the truth behind what it takes to get unstuck.
From change and fulfillment to optimism and imposter syndrome, Crowley hits the weightiest subjects that keep business founders up at night. Find out how Crowley changed lanes in her career and got herself back on track — and how your business can do likewise. You'll see growth possibilities wherever you look after reading this eye-opening manual.
Related: Shift Your Perspective From Getting to Giving to Get Unstuck
5. Skyler Irvine — Niche, Please!
With every passing year, you and the other seasoned people on your team probably feel a step or two removed from the younger generations. You might also feel like you'll never be able to navigate the abruptly changing social media scene. That's where Niche, Please! can provide a little assistance.
In Niche, Please!, digital media business founder and CEO Skyler Irvine outlines ways to use emerging platforms to share your origin story. Here's the best part: You don't have to dance on TikTok or offer Instagram tutorials to win hearts. You just have to know how to share your compelling story appropriately on the right sites. And Irvine's happy to be your guide on this adventure.